Roxy Stadium 14
85 Santa Rosa Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95404

General Admission $10.00
Children and Sr. Citizen
Children (3 � 11) & Sr. Citizen (60+)
Bargain Matinee
Any Show Before 6 pm
Discount Tuesday
Excludes Starred Attractions
RealD 3D Digital Cinema 
General Admission $13.00
Children and Sr. Citizen
Children (3 � 11) & Sr. Citizen (60+)
Bargain Matinee
Any Show Before 6:00
Special Engagement 3D Films - $14.50
A per ticket surcharge of $3.00 will apply to event tickets and Costco paper tickets for all 3D Films
Our box office opens 15 minutes prior to the first show


Gift certificates available

Caf� Martin � Offering a full menu of freshly made items including crepes, Panini sandwiches and specialty coffee drinks Hand scooped ice cream served at the concession stand.

The theater is located downtown, across the street from the Santa Rosa Mall.

Free parking all day Saturday, Sunday and holidays. Three hour validation from the theater with admission for parking Mon-Fri before 7pm �
Free Parking and Validation at 1st Street Garage Only